Jo Thornton - My Blog - Breast Enhancing Advice, Product Updates and Chat


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Category: Jo Thornton News

  1. I am rebranding to Jo Thornton

    Posted on

    I started Silicone-Sally back in 2007 to make the world of breast enhancers more accessible to women, give them choices and someone to talk through their needs to. I had seen the same old style of silicone breast enhancer in the shops, which invariably did not fit the friend I was with/myself for the top/dress/bra we needed it for. I knew I could do better and provide the specialist service that women deserve.

    It has without a doubt been an amazing 6 years, growing the company slowly and expanding out into helping other people such as mastectomy and lumpectomy patients. It has now however come to the time to rebrand. I chose the name Silicone-Sally back then as a light-hearted take on something that can be quite embarrassing to some. In recent years word of my range has spread, and a large number of my customers are ladies that have had surgery; it no longer is appropriate to have a company name that implies that a light-hearted approach is suitable for everyone. I want every single one of my customers to know that I will treat their needs individually. If you need humour, emotional support, lots of advice etc., I can tailor my services to exactly what you need or require.

    Choosing a new name for the company to get this across to all of you was very difficult, but I have decided to simply go with Jo Thornton LTD. I want you all to know that you will not be talking to a call centre or lots of people that can't follow your sale through. I run this little company myself, so when you email, it will be me that answers every time, when you order, it will me that will carefully post your order to you and when you recommend the product to your friends (fingers crossed here) it will be me and my products you are recommending.

    So there you go, exciting times ahead! It's been a very busy time behind the scenes for the last 6 months getting this all planned and ready and I shall be implementing it in the next few days/weeks. The site will remain the same for a good long while as I've been changing things gradually there already, but you will see the new logo and header on the site, new packaging and new flyer, my new Twitter and Facebook pages, my just launched Pinterest page and soon to launch You Tube guides to the products. I hope you like the new look. 

    Jo xxx

  2. Breast Enhancers Style Changes

    Posted on

    This week we will be making some great changes to our breast enhancer range.

    Style 1.  We haven't sold style 1 for a while as we found it too small to be of much use, so this week it will become our old style 2 - the 120g simple half-moon "chicken fillet" style.  Style 2 will then be new bigger versions to bridge the gap between it and style 6.  The new style 2 will be the same shape as style 1, but come in 2 great sizes for more oomph - 150g and 180g per pair. 

    Style 4.  This style is going through similar changes and is currently being manufactured in new sizes.  We have struggled a bit to get this shape to make nicely in larger sizes, but we have finally managed it and will get them on the site as soon as we can.  We are sure you will agree that they have been worth the wait once you see them.

    Jo xxx

  3. We were on TV!

    Posted on

    As you may have seen, we were on a show called "Are My Fake Breasts Safe?" on BBC Three on Monday 21st May.

    In the program Gemma, the presenter and Former Miss Great Britain, looks at the breast implant industry and considers the alternatives to it.  You can see her friend Carly trying on some of our products and absolutely loving our style 9 in the larger size. You can see the lovely Gemma talking about the show here:




    You want to watch show itself? Oh go on then (blush)...


  4. New Sister Site Launching This Year

    Posted on

    We thought you'd like to know that we will be launching our new site this year, aimed as Transvestites and Transgender women. 

    We've loved serving you through the years, and will be launching this specific site so that we can offer more tailored advice and give you that friendly hug as you arrive so that you know you are most welcome.

    If you are in transition or growing your confidence, we will have the same great breast form store including the gel bra inserts of different sizes that are suitable for you, meaning you can increase the size as your confidence grows, or decrease the size as you transition.

    If it is some fun cross dressing or role play with a partner that takes your fancy, we will have the same range of subtle forms through to perky fun breast forms.

    We will let you know when we are up and running. 

    Until then....we hope you all enjoy the sunshine that is smiling down on us today.

  5. The new site is here- hurrah!

    Posted on

    As we are sure you can see, our new site is here!  We've gone for a simple look and hope that you find it easy to navigate.

    We have 6 nice catergory images on the homepage for the breast enhancers, breast forms, single breast forms, premium mastectomy forms, nipple covers and tape.  We also have 3 handy image links at the bottom so that you can see our fitting/sizing guides.

    It will be evolving slightly over time, so if you spot something you think should be changed please do get in touch.

    Jo xxx

    [email protected]

  6. What a busy year 2011 was for Silicone Sally!

    Posted on

    Silicone Sally News January 2012

    Farewell 2011 and hello there 2012

    We couldn't let 2011 go by without this quick thank you for helping us acheive all we have in the last year.  We continued to grow and focused on building our reputation and delivering top service and low prices.  Our great range of breast forms continued to thrive making us the most exciting new store for them in the UK.  In August we moved our website to a new internet hosting company, enabling us to deliver better content and a clearer layout for the shop for you all.  We have had some wonderful feedback from you, and will be making even more changes in 2012 (coming later...).   In December we brought in free shipping for UK buyers to the site so that there is a clear simple pricing structure and added Special Delivery as a checkout option for when you want to be sure that your item will be given priority and arrive quickly for you.   All these changes we hope have made the Silicone Sally site better for you, but we of course welcome feedback at any time.

    Changes to the Silicone Sally store in 2012

    We've rolled one out already...a new logo banner.  It's clearer and simpler and is a sign of things to come. 

    New product images - currently being shot, the site will have new product images to fit in with our new simple website colours.

    A new home page - clear and simple with all the information you need

    Product videos - we hope to add these later in the year, so that you can see every product more clearly and understand the different shapes and sizes.

    A new range of triangle breast forms - lighter, softer and easier to wear, our new breast forms will be ideal for mastectomy use.  We have designed them to be like the Amoena essential, but essentially for us, with a cheaper price tag.  We know that money is tight for us all at the moment, and will continue to create new products that are well made and affordable as often as we can.  The new range will be in our shop within the next month.

    Changes to the breast enhancer (aka chicken fillets) range - some of our styles do not of course sell as well as others.  We take note of this and will be making some changes along those lines during the year.  If we are removing a style from our range we will give you good notice so that you can stock up if it is your favourite.

    We can't wait to bring in all these changes for you and we hope you love them!  Please keep your feedback coming, and we wish you all a wonderful 2012.


    [email protected]