When it comes to product design and the way I move my shop forward, I always listen to you. I only personally have experience of my size breasts and their needs, so the feedback I receive from customers is invaluable to me.
I decided to add a survey to my after sales email a while ago, and you guys have come up trumps with great answers and guidance for me to help me serve you better.
I've just been taking a look at the latest batch, and I want to thank every one of you who took the time to fill it out. If you haven't and would like to, you can at any time.:
It is of course fully confidential
Let's take a look at a few results:
In the latest responses, I see there is a real spread of sizes coming to me for help, so that's great!

From this spread of sizes, I can see that the direction I've been taking the range, to help cater for wider band sizes that often find the enhancers too narrow, is still a good way to go. It is a myth that those with bigger breasts do not want enhancers.
I can also see that you still have mixed needs, and that keeping a broad range, even if some are less commercially successful for me than others, is good for you.

Some of the other questions are really helpful to me, in showing me how the enhancer that you bought worked for you and your bra size, so thank you so much for those. It was also so good to so good to see a mixed view about what you linked in the range, so even though you are all looking for something different, you are able to find something that you like.

The most important questions for me personally of course are how I can improve. The age-old debate about firm and soft enhancers came up, and as usually the responses are divided. Those who want a softer natural look and feel were happy that there were plenty of styles to choose from and those wanting a real impact were happy that there were styles that could enable that by being firmer for push. I will always make sure I have a mixture of firm and soft styles for that reason, keeping the firmer ones for those creating cleavage especially.
There are certainly areas for me to improve on though, and my to-do list has just been reprinted with them on so that I can get going in making those changes for you. These were the responses with advice for me:

My goals going forward:
- Softer and firmer silicone make an appearance, as I expected, but more are going towards softer so I shall continue my experiments to see if I can slightly soften some styles without losing impact.
- Some of you felt they were too tall. This can be an issue with smaller band sizes with smaller cup sizes, as the cup is very small and can be overwhelmed by the enhancer. I shall go through these responses in details and see what styles you bought and see what I can do with those.
- More pictures, and I can certainly do that! My website package only allows a certain number of images in the gallery, but I can get around it by putting some images in the description too. It's a big job for me as it's a lot more manual, but I can see here that it's what you most want, and therefore it shall be done.
Thank you so much again for all your responses. I shall sign off now and get started on these changes for you. There is no time like the present.

If you have any other advice for me, just send me an email using my contact form.