Jo Thornton - My Blog - Breast Enhancing Advice, Product Updates and Chat


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Category: Jo Thornton News

  1. New Amazon Store

    Posted on

    To follow on from my last two posts, I have received my pen tablet! It is amazing but has a little fault with an accessory, so I'm getting it replaced. I think it is going to take me a little while to get used to it, but I hope to be able to bring you much better product sketches in the future.

    In the meantime, I have been working on a new Amazon store to give a much better customer experience there.  I can be honest here as it is my little blog, that I do have mixed feelings about being a seller on Amazon. They do have their benefits for some of my customers, as their logistics services are second-to-none with the Prime delivery options.  From a customer comprehension point of view though, they are trickier, as I am very limited to what information I can give to the customer. They don't give me many characters or images to explain the product, so with a product like mine, that can make it very tricky. 

    I am hoping that my new store will help with that. As I am now a registered brand on Amazon, I am able to custom build a store, and within that I can custom make pages of information which will really help.  I hope!

    Amazon Store Progress

    It's a slow process, but I am pleased about how it is getting on and hope it will be up and running soon. 

    If you are ever in doubt if I would prefer for you to buy here on my Amazon store, the answer is absolutely here! The Amazon fees are the biggest I face, and it certainly does make it difficult for us little businesses to be on there, but as many customers head straight to Amazon it's essential for me to be there and I am very grateful for the number of people who find me through my Amazon presence. On my website however, I am able to offer options for packaging such as boxes and organza bags, add-ons such as adhesive tapes, videos and guides to help you, and you can email me whenever you like.  I love serving you here, as it's our own little space to connect and interact.

    I better get back to doing this store for now though :)



  2. Out With the Old and in with the New! New Product Coming and Goodbye Style 7a

    Posted on

    news I'm back up and running fully post-Covid and all the complexities it brought, and I've just remembered that I didn't let you know the great news.
    Style 12 is getting a bigger version!  Jo Thornton Style 12 Burgundy


    I started working on her a while ago and she went into production recently, and will soon be here for me to share with you.

    Style 12 works so well, with her concave back to give you a boost whilst sitting great against your chest of any size, but I am getting more and more 38/40/42" band ladies who have small cup sizes and would just like a little more shape.  This is the same for the trans community too, who are often in the wider band sizes, so need an enhancer with a little more width and the possibility for growth.  My current style 12 size is huge for ladies with smaller band sizes, but not quite wide enough for those with bigger bands needing a mid to bigger boost.

    The only option until now has been my triangle full breast forms in the 400g size, which is a big enough step up to make a good difference and give a great weight.  The issue for some has been the cost, as they come with a fully crafted and darkened nipple, which adds a great amount of cost. Many customers do not want/need this as they are looking for something more for the odd night out. 

    So, I decided in the New Year to go for it and make pairs in a 360g each side with no nipple. This keeps the costs right down for you, and makes them the biggest breast enhancer in my range, as they are a whopping 720g a pair. 

    She's due in soon, so I shall be getting the photos done and getting her on the site for you asap.  YAY!

    Out with the Old:

    With an equally heavy heart, it's time to say goodbye to style 7a.

    She was one of the first styles I made, right back in 2006 and has been a big part of my range ever since.  Over time I've developed new styles to the great range I have today, and there are sometimes a lot of overlap with styles that fit people. It can get a bit confusing with choice, plus there are still sizes that I can't cater for as much as I'd like to (hence the introduction of the bigger style 12).  I have to make space in my budgets and looking at style 7a, I realised it was time she retired after all her fabulous hard work through the years.  Most women find style 7b a better size, or are catered for with style 9, so it's a logical move to retire her and concentrate on new styles to help fill the gaps in my range.  I have lots of stocks left and I will keep these exclusively for my site alone, once the stocks run lower.  This should ensure that she will be available for a good while for those looking for a new pair.  After that style 7b will simply become style 7. 

    Goodbye my lovely style 7a, you've been fabulous! Style 7 party


    sign-2014-8-20-15.2.46 X X X

  3. Large Breast Form Sale!

    Posted on

    Big breast form sale

    Oh yes, oh yes!

    Do you love a sale? Of course you do...and I love giving you one.  Here, for a limited time, is a sale on my large voluptuous breast forms.  It's a great time for you to grab that bigger pair you've longed for, treat yourself to an early Christmas present or give subtle hits for a love one to treat you.

    I will be gradually adding these silicone superstars to the sale page over the next week, and it will be the breast forms in the bigger sizes of 600g, 700g, 800g, 900g and 1000g.

    I'm here to help if you'd like to talk through sizing as always. 


  4. New Products - Breast Lifting Boob Tape & Rambunctious Rabbits!

    Posted on

    I've got two new products heading your way!

    The first, my Boob Bolstering Breast Lift Tape, is now on the site and I'm really excited about it.  

    Breast Boosting Boob Lift Tape

    There are quite a few occasions with wedding dresses, low-cut tops and plunge bras, where there just isn't enough support for your breasts, let alone one of my lovely breast enhancers.  This can be a big problem and a real confidence shaker for you. 

    I've pondered this for a while, and alongside the adhesive techies at my tape factory, we've developed this magnificent tape. It is a stretchy fabric tape with spandex that can support, hold, lift and shape, and best of all, be used over an enhancer.  It's just finished it's manufacturing run and arrived ready for you, so I've popped it on the site, but I will be doing a little explainer video and getting some images done so that you can see just how it can work with my breast enhancers.


    The possibilities it offers for all those hard to work with outfits are very exciting.  It will be able to lift your breasts, with one layer, whilst also supporting the enhancer to boost you further. If you add a dress over the top with some support for the enhancer to push against, even if plunge etc, then you will be able to get fabulous results.  It will also enable so many more breast enhancer options for your strapless bras, which can struggle with the extra weight without shoulder straps to help out. If we add the support of the tape over the top, with a tailored taping to stay hidden under the dress or top, you will be able to rock much heavier breast boosting styles for those big events and nights out. 

    Take a look at my boob boosting Breast Lift Tape Here:  Boob Tape Shop Icon


    I wasn't done there though...

    The second new product is my new Rambunctious Rabbits breast lifting and nipple covering rabbit ears! Use them however you your racy rabbit breast lifters, reliable rabbit nipple covers, or refuse to limit yourself and use them as both!

    Rabbits Collage

    Shaped to help cover erect nipples and give lift and shape, they are fabulous for bikinis by the beach, lightweight tops, tight dresses and can also be used with my boob tape for the ultimate in shaping!  I'll be getting them written up and added to my store asap. 

    sign-2014-8-20-15.2.46  XXX

  5. I Bought A Webcam, At Last

    Posted on

    I did, I really did!  I even made a video...

  6. New Breast Form Stocks

    Posted on

    I've been running low of breast forms, especially in the 500g sizes, as COVID has caused some real challenges in the factory, but we're nearly there. Hurrah!

    I hope that they will be with me in the week of 13th of July, subject to how quickly the delivery companies are working now.  I've found that to be hit-and-miss during the lockdown, but hopefully with the easing things have improved.  I shall get them all unboxed and checked over so they can go on my site as soon as I can. 

    I shall be restocking my normal sizes that are on the site, and adding the triangle shape in a 700g size for you (approximately a 38DD/40D/42C/44B/46A.  These will be a great addition to those of you with bigger size bands who do not have a flat chest. Many of you find that the concave back of the triangle breast form allows them to sit and mould perfectly with your chest, whatever your shape.  The 700g triangle will allow you to go up a cup size from the 600g pair in one simple swoop!

    Triangle Breast Form Jo Thornton 600g (6)


    sign-2014-8-20-15.2.46 xx

  7. GDPR Update

    Posted on



    As the GDPR laws have been in effect now for 2 years, so I just wanted to give you an update as to how I handle your data now that I've settled into the routine.

    1 Heart  Customer List Data:

    After deliberately deleting my customer email list back then, I have had a lovely response with people choosing to opt-in.  I don't email my customers unless I have something to say, so the last two were an end of 2019 email with new product news, links to my new guides etc, and then a COVID 19 email wishing you all well. 

    The email address list is managed by Mail Chimp, who store your data for me.  I only keep your first name, surname and email address on their database if you have opted in. 

    2 Heart  Security Software:

    I continue to use F-Secure to protect your data when I am editing things, for example, getting your order ready.  I have this all all of my devices.

    3 Heart Downloading Your Data For My Accounts:

    When I download my sales for my accounts, I download them into an excel file. The first thing I do I to delete all the columns with your name, address, phone number and email address.  I then save the file, so the only data stored on my computer is the sale itself and not any of your personal data.

    4 Heart The Software I Use:

    I use the same software to host my website and provide the checkout, Create.  They are fully GDPR compliant and SSL secure.  

    I now use some software called Angel Books to help with my accounting.  This software accesses your data to import the sale.  The software itself runs on their servers rather than my computer, and uses their encryption technology

    Angel Books uses HTTPS (secure HTTP) to encrypt all data from our servers to your browser. The servers are located in a secure data centre in Gloucester and have 24/7 security.

    My payment providers World Pay and Paypal process your payments on their servers directly, and I do not have access to your card details at any point.

    If you ever have any query about your data, just send me an email and I'll be happy to help.  


    P.S. You can read my full Privacy and Cookies page info here

  8. Covid-19 - Coronavirus - My Plans and Precautions

    Posted on

    I just wanted to give you an update on my situation and stance with regard to the outbreak.

    • I am on immune system supressing medication, so I take things very seriously. I follow hygiene rules carefully, and those around me do too. Your parcel will be packaged with clean fresh hands etc!
    • I work from home and this should hopefully keep me safe and enable me to continue to run my store without any problems, getting your lovely items to you as needed.
    • There may be delay in the postal service at this time, but hopefully this won't be too bad.  
    • If someone in my household goes into self-isolation, I shall shut my store from posting as I work from home where they will now be, and could therefore be at risk.    My partner works for a specialist on infectious diseases, who is advising the government at present, and I am aware we know little about the virus yet.  It should not last long enough to reach you on one of my parcels if I was infected, but in order to protect the postal service and you, I will stop posting in case.  I don't want to risk it for the sake of 2 weeks.  
    • If this happens, I will pop banners over my site, notify on Facebook etc.  

    I hope you all stay healthy during this.  Please please wash your hands well regularly and for longer, don't get too close to people in public if you can avoid it and stay away from super crowded places when you can.

    As a side note, I suffer terribly from dry hands that crack and bleed ordinarily.  I have found bar soap to be so much better for them and to have virtually stopped it.  If you find your hands getting dry with the extra washing using liquid soap, make a swap to bar soap and you should find it much better. 

    Take care everyone 
